NZUAG News edition 18: August 2019

FROM THE CHAIRMAN’S DESK Health and safety must be the top priority when it comes to worksites in transport corridors. There have been a number of deaths and injuries lately that are totally unacceptable. It is incumbent on all of us to make sure that worksites are safe for workers and travelling public. There is […]

NZUAG News edition 17: May 2019

The NZUAG Board is calling for nominations from members to be part of a working group that will assess how effective the Code has been and to recommend any necessary changes. The Code (of Practice for Utility Operators’ Access to Transport Corridors) has been in place since 2012 and has been reviewed twice in that […]

NZUAG News edition 16: March 2019

Hi everyone, The year is racing along. Someone said to me the other day that it won’t be and long before we hear Christmas carols in the stores again!! The Board met recently to sign off on the revised Code prior to submission to the Minister for Infrastructure for approval. A 2019/20 work programme was […]

NZUAG News Issue 15: November 2018

Welcome to the final newsletter for 2018. In this issue I provide an update on the Code of Practice for Utilities’ Access to Transport Corridors (the Code) review, including information on the final opportunity to have a say on the proposed new Code. I also cover our recent AGM, provide an update on the Code […]

NZUAG News Issue 14: August 2018

It’s been busy couple of months for the NZUAG Board and members. We ran a series of successful seminars on the Code and the review in 5 centres throughout New Zealand as well as three webinars using Zoom technology. The feedback was positive, and highlights the importance of promoting the Code throughout industry. At the […]

NZUAG News Issue 13: May 2018

In this issue of the NZUAG News we report on the review of the Code which is now in full swing, including how to have your say; the NZUAG report to the Minister about compliance with the Code; and subscriptions are now due. The first round of submissions has closed, and the results are being […]