NZUAG News issue 12: February 2018

We are now gearing up for the formal Code Review that kicks off at the RIMS Conference on 22 March this year (see below for more details). In the first part of the review, we will be asking everyone affected by the Code to identify the things that are working, and the things that need […]

November 2017 – NZUAG News issue 11

From the Chair At the recent NZUAG AGM, I noted that the Board had been active on behalf of members during the 2016/17 year, focusing on two key areas: Code education and Code compliance.  We farewelled some long standing Board members, including Peter Gilbert as Gas Sector representative and Chair of the Finance Committee, and welcomed new ones.  […]

August 2017 – NZUAG News issue 10

From the Chair We are now gearing up for the next Code review that will be kicked off in March next year.  The Board is now working on the detailed planning, including a launch at the 2018 RIMS Conference and a series of information seminars.  We will be calling for suggested changes to the Code […]

May 2017 – NZUAG News issue 9

From the Chair The recent Board meeting focused on two key issues: the next Code review and the monitoring of performance of the National Code of Practice. The next Code review is planned for 2018.  We will be adopting a similar approach to last time, backed up with a series of seminars around the country, […]

February 2017 – NZUAG News issue 8

From the Chair Compliance with the Code (of Practice for Utility Operators’ Access to Transport Corridors) is a hot topic of conversation whenever it is discussed. This was raised at every Code Awareness seminar that we held last year, and was a key issue during submissions on the last Code review. Under the Code, Corridor […]

December 2016 – NZUAG News issue 7

From the Chair At the NZUAG AGM recently, I noted that the year had been a particularly busy one for the NZUAG Board. We had focused on two key areas: finalising the Code review process in preparation for Ministerial approval, and planning and delivering the Code promotion and awareness seminars around the country. In addition, […]

August 2017 – NZUAG News issue 6

From the Chair There has been lots of activity since my last report. The board has led the Code promotion seminars that were held around the country in June and July. My thanks to Ross Malcolm, our partner the NZ Institute of Highway Technology (NZIHT), board members and participants for making the seminars such a […]

May 2016 – NZUAG News issue 5

From the Chair The big focus for us over the next 2 months is the NZUAG seminars. The Board has spent considerable time preparing for the seminars, and we are delighted to have been able to engage the services of NZIHT (NZ Institute of Highway Technology) to provide logistical support for their roll-out. The details […]

February 2016 – NZUAG News issue 4

From the Chair 2016 is going to be a big year for NZUAG. We are very focussed on plans to promote awareness of our organisation and the Code to industry participants around the country. The NZUAG Board signed of the programme at our February meeting. A series of seminars will held in 9 centres throughout […]

December 2015 – NZUAG News issue 3

From the Chair As we head into Christmas it’s a good time to reflect on the year’s achievements. The Code review has been completed, a number of working groups have been established, communications with members and stakeholders have been improved and the finances have been managed prudently. We now feel we have established a strong platform for delivering […]